Campnou Oy
Our services cover everything from initial planning and design to post-marketing support
We manufacture aluminiumboats and hulls professionally and with experience. The expertise related to aluminium materials is the core competence of our company. Our customers cover internationally recognized companies that rely on the quality of our service in all areas of the process.


We design the products in cooperation with the customer. Above all, we bring material know-how to the process and continuously develop products further to make them more production efficient.
Material procurement

The aluminium is cut to shape and edged byFibercut Oy. Campnou is one of the Fibercut Oy’s owners. FibercutOy provides a significant amount of materials for Finnish aluminum boat manufacturers. The large volume enables large purchases directly from thefactory and a warehouse from which aluminium can be delivered even on a short schedule.

Manufacturing high-quality aluminum boats, hulls, and windshields together with our customers. We performmanufacturing aluminum boats as serial production without losing the quality of the work.

Kuljetus Hietakangas Oy provides transport service for most of our products. Transportation happens in both directions, which means that we also get products from the customer on board for the return trip.
After-sales support

Our customers are never left alone with the products. We offer advice in problem situations related to aluminium and make statements to insurance companies, for example.